
“Betweenworlds” (German title “Zwischenwelten”) is an interdisciplinary film featuring six people from diverse diasporic backgrounds, uniting them in the search for an inner homeland. The film employs dance to transition between documentary and fictional levels as the protagonists journey together through a dreamscape that connects the stations of their biographies. “Betweenworlds” is a production of the HeimatlosGrenzenlos (“HomelessBorderless”) Network.

6 min film excerpt

Film Still

Author & Director: Parisa Karimi
Camera: Simone Friedel
With: Dilan Ercenk, Tyle Fernandez, Vanya Karayan, Radovan Matijek, Alex Mello, Svenja Mpangara
Editing: Annette zur Mühlen
Production: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln & HeimatlosGrenzenlos