
Media Art | Research | Storytelling

Parisa Karimi media artist and media educator based in Cologne, Germany.
Her interdisciplinary work explores methods of storytelling and deals with sociological and philosophical questions reflecting power structures, body, colonial space and gender issues.
The spaces she creates invite the audience to different forms of participation and immersive experience.
In her narrative works she combines documentary elements, animation, (live) projection mapping, (av) performances and installations, along with interactive interfaces.

Parisa Karimi is the founder of RanGBarang (RGB) studio (https://rangbarang.studio) and the HeimatlosGrenzenlos (https://www.heimatlos-grenzenlos.de) network, which exists since 2005. Therefor she developes artistic approaches and the infrastructure to create a space to experiment and coming together in interdisciplinary projects, exhibitions or for workshops.
The network consists of an independent association of artists, activists, scientists and educators with different artistic, cultural backgrounds.

Karimi has presented her works at various international festivals, including: European Mapping Festival (France), Futur21 (NRW), VISIO (Brazil), International Festival of Arts (Singapore), Malta Festival (Poland), European Short Film Festival MIT (USA) or the Environmental Arts Festival (Iran)